Tuesday, April 7, 2015

the pizza thin paste

the pizza thin paste

The way the pizza thin paste

How the work or prepare pizza at home a distinctive culinary arts, and often innervate the housewife preparing a full pizza in the kitchen

Today, we will present you the correct way to work pizza thin paste

The ingredients:
- Envelope of yeast.
- A spoonful of sugar.
- Half a cup of warm water.
- Two cups and three-quarters of flour.
- Tablespoon of olive oil.
- Tomato paste.
- Cheese Almozyrela.
- The sauce according to taste.

Steps to prepare pizza:
1. are dissolving the yeast and sugar in a cup and a half of warm water.

2. The mixing flour with salt and olive oil in a large bowl.

3. The addition of yeast and sugar solution into flour.

4. well knead until the dough becomes sticky and cohesive, sprinkle with flour as necessary .. may take time approximately 10 minutes of kneading hands

5. Cover the dough is formed and left for half an hour until the yeast take effect and double in size later.

6. be extended until the dough becomes circular and thin as possible, or to taste

7. dough is placed on a greased tray with oil, then rub toothpaste tomato paste

8. Almoszerla cheese is placed on top of the tomato paste over the entire dough evenly

9. also placed according to Olive desire or pepper or spices, mushrooms or chicken nuggets or sausages or other

10. pizza is placed in the oven at a temperature of 425 F () for a period ranging between 10 to 15 minutes, or until they become reddish and clear maturity

Thus, you get the pizza Madam thin paste in your home 


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